I’d love to help you along your healing journey.

Transformational Healing Sessions

 Offered by Jen Black at Alchemy + Herbs Healing

 Please note: in-person sessions are temporarily unavailable but all sessions are still available via Zoom




Confused about where to begin?

Disclaimer: Please note that hypnosis and energy healing are alternative and complementary forms of therapy, and should not be used as a substitute for traditional medical care provided by licensed professionals. Reiki, Sacred Soul Alignment, and Crystal Healing are all forms of energy healing. Healing and medicine are separate disciplines, and these treatments are meant to supplement professional medical care and treatment, not to replace it. It is important to consult your doctor for advice in the case of any serious medical ailment or condition.

Although hypnosis and energy healing have been shown to be effective in treating physical, mental, and spiritual conditions, they are considered alternative or complementary by Western health care professionals. Please be advised that Jen Black does not provide medical diagnosis or consultations for health, medical, or psychiatric issues, and you should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment without the advice, consent, and direction of your physician.

Please note that hypnosis involves deep relaxation and focused attention, and it is important that you are in a safe and comfortable environment during the session. If you have any concerns or discomfort during the session, please inform Jen Black immediately. Energy healing involves the use of subtle energy fields, and it is important to note that results may vary and are not guaranteed. Jen Black does not diagnose or treat specific medical conditions, and any information provided during the session is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

By engaging in hypnosis or energy healing, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this disclaimer, and that you accept full responsibility for your own well-being.