Success Comes From Within


There are many definitions but I’ll share a few. According to the Merriman-Webster Dictionary, the definition of success is:

  • degree or measure of succeeding

  • favorable or desired outcome also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence

According to Oxford Languages, success is defined as:

  • the accomplishment of an aim or purpose

  • the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status

  • a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame, wealth, etc.

These feel very vague to me and leave a lot up to interpretation. That’s because each person often has a very different definition of what success means for them. When I ask what success means, one response that I hear often is “to be able to do what you want”. That’s true but I would also add “and know what you truly want”. In fact, we are often pushed to put our energy into achieving what we are “supposed” to want, and we may not give enough attention to taking the time to truly understand what we truly want in life. I say “supposed” to want because there are many external factors that condition us and determine our beliefs around what is good and what is not, or what is a good goal and what is not.

The self-awareness about who we really are and what we really want is the premise to achieving any real, long lasting success in our life. Without this, we are likely to move through life in two ways. One is to walk around life aimless, without a goal. The other is to pursue an aim that, on a deep level, we do not feel like is really ours. In both these situations we find difficulties in expressing and manifesting our full potential. Even if we keep on repeating to ourselves that we have a certain goal, if we are not deeply convinced of it, it will be difficult for us to really put in all the necessary energy and commitment. Our inner conflicts and unclear intentions interfere with our actions.

Things turn around dramatically when we know what we really want. Not only will we feel and use another level of energy, but also we will experience a feeling of peace and trust. We are then ready to manifest what drives our soul and can create the destiny we deserve. This will lead to a dramatic improvement in all the key areas of our life.

All we need is already within us now, but we need to really find it, listen to it, and translate it into our realities. When we dedicate time to deepening our self knowledge, we spend our time well.

If you want to work on releasing any known or unknown blocks around success, I’d love to help! Transformational Hypnosis is a wonderful modality for this kind of work. If you’re not quite ready to dive that deep, Reiki can also be beneficial. Don’t hesitate to book a consultation today!


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